- 06
Engineering Hydrology, Principles and Practices, Prentice Hall, 1989;
- Fortran for Scientists and Engineers,
online edition, 2014.
Engineering Hydrology, Principles and Practices, Second edition, online book, 2014;
Fundamentals of Open-channel Hydraulics, online book, 2014;
Fundamentos deHidráulica de Canales, online book, 2014;
Fundamentos da Hidráulica de Canais, online book, 2020;
- 52
refereed journal papers, published in the following journals:
ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE Journal of Hydrologic
Engineering, Journal of Hydrology, AGU Water Resources Research, AWRA Water Resources Bulletin, Journal of Soil
and Water Conservation, ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Revista de Estudos Ambientais, Geographic Research, Hydraulic Engineering, Dam Engineering, Agrociencia, Tecnologia y Ciencias de Agua,
and Journal of Biogeography.
- 101
proceedings papers, discussions, closures, and other refereed publications.
- 374
technical reports, research reports, web articles, and other nonrefereed publications.
- 13 courses taught at lower division, upper division, and graduate level.
- 381 online scripts for hydrologic and hydraulic calculations, including
onlinechannel (15),
onlinerouting (8),
onlineregression (5),
onlinehydro (6),
onlinewsprofiles (6),
onlinewsprofiles2 (6),
onlinegumbel (2),
onlinepearson (2),
onlinetractiveforce (1),
Ogee spillway rating (1),
Hazen-Williams (1),
parallel pipes (1),
rational (1),
slope-area (1),
unit hydrograph cascade (1),
dimensionless unit hydrograph by cascade (1),
general unit hydrograph by cascade (1),
series of unit hydrograph by cascade (1),
all series of unit hydrograph by cascade (1),
catchment water balance (1),
onlinetr55 (1),
onlineconvolution (1),
onlineshydrograph (1),
onlinecurvenumber (1),
onlinetc (1),
onlinehazenwilliams (1),
onlinecolby (1),
onlinecolby1957 (1),
onlinemeyerpeter (1),
onlineackerswhite (1),
onlineengelundhansen (1),
onlineeinsteinbrown (1),
onlinemodifiedeinstein (1),
onlinelaneshape (1),
onlinescourmelville (1),
onlinescourhec18 (1),
onlineshields (1),
onlinelanekoelzer (1),
onlinedendybolton (1),
onlineusle (1),
onlineusle2 (1),
onlinefallvelocity (1),
onlineduboys (1),
onlinereservoirlife (1),
onlinedo (1),
onlinedosaganalysis (1),
onlineoxygenation (1),
onlinesalinity (1),
hidroenlinea (5),
canalenlinea (15),
transitoenlinea04 (1),
enlineaod (1),
enlineacreager (1),
enlineapendientearea (1),
enlineagumbel (1),
enlineapearson (1),
enlineatiempodeconcentracion (1),
enlineatr55 (1),
enlineasedimento51 (1),
enlineacolby (1),
enlineacolby1957 (1),
enlineashields (1),
enlineaeups (1),
enlineadendybolton (1),
enlineasalinidad (1),
enlineabalancehidrico (1),
backwater (1),
creager (1),
racional (1),
perpetual calendar (1),
calculators (3).
- 260
legacy tales
- 1270
online videos
- 19
honors and awards, including the prestigious [National] ASCE Karl E. Hilgard Hydraulics Prize.
- 258
invited lectures, keynote speaker, and short courses,
in the U.S., Latin America, Europe, and Asia.
- 62 research grants and other contracts.